I'm having a lot of trouble trying to come up with the right formula for this... I hope it'll be clear!
I have 2 sheets in my Excel. The first has Active IDs (~500 rows). The Second has All IDs, active & inactive with a dollar value associated to each member (~1200 rows)
What I want is for Excel to take the ID in the First Sheet with all the Active ID, find it in the 2nd sheet and return the $value.
So that when I look at Sheet 1, I see the Unique ID associated with their respective $value.
This can be done with a lookup function, for example Vlookup.
If your IDs are in column A, you can use
=vlookup(A1,'Sheet 2'!$A:$B,2,false)
In Words: Find the value in A1 on Sheet 2 in column A and return what is in column B (the 2nd column).
Copy down.