
ng2-smart-table on click row should highlighted

i have already tried to solve the issue but not able to highlight row on click event.

<ng2-smart-table [settings]="settingsPatient" [source]="sourcePatient" (userRowSelect)="patientStudy($event)" (deleteConfirm)="onDeleteConfirm($event)">"


i am using angular 7 and when i click on any row in ng2-smart-table row not get highlighted e.g change colour of of row when i clicked on it.

this is my function for row click event-(userRowSelect)="patientStudy($event)".


  • When a row is selected, 'selected' class is being added to it... this is where we can style the row using:

    ::ng-deep tbody  tr.ng2-smart-row.selected
    { background:lightblue !important; border:1px solid blue;}

    working stackblitz is here