
Can't import SVG into Next.js

When I try to import SVG Image then the following error shows. Which loader I have to use for importing SVG images?

./static/Rolling-1s-200px.svg 1:0
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 2000 2000"><filter id="b"><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="12" /></filter><path fill="#817c70" d="M0 0h2000v2000H0z"/><g filter="url(#b)" transform="translate(4 4) scale(7.8125)" fill-opacity=".5"><ellipse fill="#000210" rx="1" ry="1" transform="matrix(50.41098 -3.7951 11.14787 148.07886 107 194.6)"/><ellipse fill="#eee3bb" rx="1" ry="1" transform="matrix(-56.38179 17.684 -24.48514 -78.06584 205 110.1)"/><ellipse fill="#fff4bd" rx="1" ry="1" transform="matrix(35.40604 -5.49219 14.85017 95.73337 16.4 123.6)"/><ellipse fill="#79c7db" cx="21" cy="39" rx="65" ry="65"/><ellipse fill="#0c1320" cx="117" cy="38" rx="34" ry="47"/><ellipse fill="#5cb0cd" rx="1" ry="1" transform="matrix(-39.46201 77.24476 -54.56092 -27.87353 219.2 7.9)"/><path fill="#e57339" d="M271 159l-123-16 43 128z"/><ellipse fill="#47332f" cx="214" cy="237" rx="242" ry="19"/></g></svg>


  • You need to provide a webpack loader that will handle SVG imports, one of the famous one is svgr.

    In order to configure it to work with next, you need to add to your next.config.js file the usage of the loader, like that:

    // next.config.js
    module.exports = {
      webpack(config) {
          test: /\.svg$/,
          issuer: {
            test: /\.(js|ts)x?$/,
           // for webpack 5 use
           // { and: [/\.(js|ts)x?$/] }
          use: ['@svgr/webpack'],
        return config;

    For more config info, check out the docs.

    Don't forget to install @svgr/webpack first:

    $ npm install --save-dev @svgr/webpack


    I've added an issuer section which strict these svg as component only for svgs that are imported from js / ts files. This allows you to configure other behaviour for svgs that are imported from other file types (such as .css)