
How do paste to multiple input?

There's a inputs with six entries. If the desired digits is directly pasted into the inputs..


How do I distribute the numbers to the other boxes when they are pasted into the first box?

on JSfiddle

var $inp = $(".passInput");

 input: function(ev) {
  if(this.value) {
    $inp.eq($inp.index(this) + 1).focus();
 keydown: function(ev) {
  var i = $inp.index(this);
  if(ev.which===8 && !this.value && i) {
    $inp.eq(i - 1).focus();
.passInput {text-align: center;}
<form action="" role="form" method="post" id="passForm">
  <input type="text" class="passInput" name="pass[]" maxLength="1" size="1" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="9" required pattern="\d{1}" autofocus>
  <input type="text" class="passInput" name="pass[]" maxLength="1" size="1" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="9" required pattern="\d{1}">
  <input type="text" class="passInput" name="pass[]" maxLength="1" size="1" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="9" required pattern="\d{1}">
  <input type="text" class="passInput" name="pass[]" maxLength="1" size="1" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="9" required pattern="\d{1}">
  <input type="text" class="passInput" name="pass[]" maxLength="1" size="1" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="9" required pattern="\d{1}">
  <input type="text" class="passInput" name="pass[]" maxLength="1" size="1" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="9" pattern="\d{1}">
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">SUBMIT</button>

<script src=""></script>

Thank you Roko C. Buljan who helped in the development of the code

P.S.: I've reviewed the answer to the question. But I realized it wasn't working.


  • To get the clipboardData text use event.clipboardData.getData('text'),
    then make sure that the trimmed data length is exactly 6 characters long and all are digits.
    Assign to each input its new value by splitting the string, and lastly, set focus on the last input:

    // DOM utility functions:
    const els = (sel, par) => (par || document).querySelectorAll(sel);
    // Task: multiple inputs "field"
    els(".pin").forEach((elGroup) => {
      const elsInput = [...elGroup.children];
      const len = elsInput.length;
      const handlePaste = (ev) => {
        const clip = ev.clipboardData.getData('text');     // Get clipboard data
        const pin = clip.replace(/\s|-/g, "");             // Sanitize string
        const ch = [];                               // Create array of chars
        elsInput.forEach((el, i) => el.value = ch[i]??""); // Populate inputs
        elsInput[Math.min(len, pin.length) - 1]?.focus();  // Focus input
      const handleInput = (ev) => {
        const elInp = ev.currentTarget;
        const i = elsInput.indexOf(elInp);
        if (elInp.value && (i+1) % len) elsInput[i + 1]?.focus();  // focus next
      const handleKeyDn = (ev) => {
        const elInp = ev.currentTarget
        const i = elsInput.indexOf(elInp);
        if (!elInp.value && ev.key === "Backspace" && i) elsInput[i - 1]?.focus(); // Focus previous
      // Add the same events to every input in group:
      elsInput.forEach(elInp => {
        elInp.addEventListener("paste", handlePaste);   // Handle pasting
        elInp.addEventListener("input", handleInput);   // Handle typing
        elInp.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDn); // Handle deleting
    .pin > input {
      text-align: center;
      width: 1em;
    .pin > input:invalid {
      color: red;
      caret-color: #000;
    Copy a PIN into any of the below inputs:<br>
    <code>6 5 0 3 2 1</code><br>
      <div class="pin">
        <input type="text" name="pass[]" maxlength="1" autocomplete="off" required pattern="\d{1}" autofocus>
        <input type="text" name="pass[]" maxlength="1" autocomplete="off" required pattern="\d{1}">
        <input type="text" name="pass[]" maxlength="1" autocomplete="off" required pattern="\d{1}">
        <input type="text" name="pass[]" maxlength="1" autocomplete="off" required pattern="\d{1}">
        <input type="text" name="pass[]" maxlength="1" autocomplete="off" required pattern="\d{1}">
        <input type="text" name="pass[]" maxlength="1" autocomplete="off" required pattern="\d{1}">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">SUBMIT</button>