
Jenkins Email-ext Jelly Scripts (High Level Overview)

My project has just integrated Jenkins as its CI server. We would love to use the Email-ext plugin to provide a customized email that gives our developers a reasonable overview of various metrics once a build is complete.

The example screenshot given on the Email-ext plugin site its more or less what we are looking for.

We generate currently generate metrics for Findbugs, Cobertura code coverage and TestNG. I'm having difficulty finding good examples of how these metrics might be included in a Jelly script.

Does anyone have a similar script or have a link to some good example/tutorial of linking these metrics into Email-ext notifications.



  • Have you looked at $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/email-ext/WEB-INF/classes/hudson/plugins/emailext/templates/html.jelly ? If that isn't sufficient, let me know what additional information you're trying to find and I'll see if I can help.