
PowerDesigner fails to list Tables in Reverse Enginnering for SAP HANA database schema

I try to use PowerDesigner reverse engineering tool to build the diagram of objects under my user's schema.

Although I can connect and see the list of views in "Database Reverse Engineering" dialog, it fails to display the list of tables under target schema.

Any idea how to bring database tables on diagram on SAP PowerDesigner?


  • I have figured out that I was using the wrong provider to connect to my HANA database

    Though the target HANA database was in HANA 1.0 (since in my environment, I had some other HANA 2.0 systems), I chose provider HANA 2.0 without querying too much

    That was the error, when I chose HANA 1.0 data provider, I could successfully see all my schema tables on Power Designer with "Database Reverse Engineering" tool

    Thanks to Pascal for leading me to the correct solution