I am trying to configure
nmap <C-F2> :set iminsert=1 imsearch=1<cr>
imap <C-F2> <C-O><C-F2>
in order to change vim language. It works well in command and insert modes. But it does not work in a search mode. Trying to implement it I wrote a function
function! Call_F2()
set iminsert=1
set imsearch=1
return ""
and mapped it with a
cmap <C-F2> <C-R>=Call_F2()<cr>
so I type / and press C-F2, but settings are not applied to the current search mode. Now I have to exit and re-enter search mode in order to see my changes applied.
The question is: how to change settings 'iminsert' and 'imsearch' in activated search mode immediately?
(I know I can use a shortcut C-^ and it works but I would like to map languages to their own shortcuts)
Many thanks for Joanis! I have improved hers/his solution:
nmap <C-F1> :set iminsert=0 imsearch=0<cr>
imap <C-F1> <C-O><C-F1>
cmap <C-F1> <END><SPACE><C-C><C-F1>/<UP><DEL>
nmap <C-F2> :set iminsert=1 imsearch=1<cr>
imap <C-F2> <C-O><C-F2>
cmap <C-F2> <END><SPACE><C-C><C-F2>/<UP><DEL>
the only side-effect I have noticed: the cursor always jumps to the end of search pattern.