This question may be asked previously but they have no answer. I try to create a pdf file using pdfkit
library with Arabic language support. So, first I downloaded a prebuilt version of pdfkit (which is assumed to work in browser) from here.
Then I wrote this code for adding an Arabic font (like in the docs)
const doc = new PDFDocument;
var text_arabic = "مرحبا مَرْحَبًا";
// Using a TrueType font (.ttf)
doc.font('./trado.ttf') // --> this line gives the error.
The error is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: fs is not defined
at Object.fontkit.openSync (pdfkit.js:10949)
at (pdfkit.js:451)
at PDFDocument.font (pdfkit.js:2227)
at main.js:22
pdfkit.js from line 10949:
fontkit.openSync = function (filename, postscriptName) {
var buffer = fs.readFileSync(filename); / --> error
return fontkit.create(buffer, postscriptName);
So, I think 'fs' belongs to node.js part with require('fs')
but anyway I don't know the solution. What is the solution then? Thanks in advance!
Here is the simple solution;
according to your font nameDone!
Important Notes:
. Because of that we create writeToPDF()
function seperately for using with a button after loading.const doc = new PDFDocument;
const stream = doc.pipe(blobStream());
var embeddedFonts = (function() {
var fontCollection = {};
function getFont(name, src) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', src, true);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.onload = function(evt) {
var arrayBuffer = xhr.response;
if (arrayBuffer) {
fontCollection[name] = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
registerEmbeddedFonts(doc, embeddedFonts);
} else {
error = "Error downloading font resource from " + src;
getFont("Trado", 'trado.ttf');
return fontCollection;
function registerEmbeddedFonts(doc, fontCollection) {
doc.registerFont("Trado", fontCollection["Trado"]);
function writeToPDF() {
stream.on('finish', function() {
// get a blob you can do whatever you like with
const blob = stream.toBlob('application/pdf');
// or get a blob URL for display in the browser
const url = stream.toBlobURL('application/pdf');
var frame = document.getElementById("pdfFrame");
frame.src = url;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<iframe id="pdfFrame" src="" width="300" height="300"> </iframe>
<button type="button" onclick="writeToPDF();">Write to PDF</button>
<!-- This example doesn't work because of missing trado.ttf font file.
Try to run at your PC -->