I am trying to use a Pweave tool with Pycharm Professional 2018.2
Inspired by this blog-post, I tried to create and publish Python scripts, but I don't understand how to make Pycharm "play" with External Tools and how to trigger and run with pypublish
I installed the library with conda and I can see the pweave
package in the packages list in "Project Interpreter" section.
After a lot of trial and error and some reading about other external tools, I managed to set the Pweave to work with Pycharm Professional 2018.2 on Windows in the following way:
First, install the Pweave library, using conda or pip (I used conda on virtual environment):
conda install pweave -c conda-forge
Then, inside PyCharm: File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools
add new tool, I used the following configuration:
In the "Program" section I provided the relative path to the Pweave executable and in the "Arguments" section the full file path, using available macros $PyInterpreterDirectory$
and $FilePath$
In order to run the tool: right click on the desired script and select Pweave from "External Tools"