I have a controller method drop_down_values
in which I select a set of values and respond in json ,building the object using a serializer. I am using FastJson Api. I want to know , how can I access other variables present in the controller in the serializer.
def drop_down_values
@drop_down_values = IndustrySectorList.all
@values = @drop_down_values.pluck(:industry_sector)
render json: DropDownValueSerializer.new(@drop_down_values).serialized_json
I need to use the @values
variable in the serializer. How can i pass this to serializer? I am not able to directly access this variable in the serializer.
class DropDownValueSerializer
include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
attributes :id
Stack & version -
I'm not really sure what you are trying to do but a serializer is usually a resource. In your case you can pass params into your drop down serializer :
DropDownValueSerializer.new(movie, {params: {values: @values}})
class DropDownValueSerializer
include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
attributes :id
attribute :values do |drop_down_value, params|