I am trying to get a list of reviews for my app. I've been using the Google Play Developer API.
I get the following response after some requests:
"code" : 403,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "androidpublisher",
"message" : "Review query quota exceeded.",
"reason" : "reviewQueryQuotaExceeded"
} ],
"message" : "Review query quota exceeded."
I've read about the 200,000 quota - link. I've also read about the 60 request per hour limit - link (bottom of page). I am not sure how one affects the other but I don't think that is the issue.
I don't have other projects and nobody else is using the apis. I haven't edited the quotas on the console.
I've also checked the Google Cloud Platform console and tried to determine my usage. However, there is 0 usage on all APIs judging by the console. I tried to get the usage through the API but I don't think that is possible. Also I don't have billing linked.
After some testing I concluded that the rate at which I can get the list of reviews is roughly 1 request every 2 minutes (0.5 req/min). My code is still running so I cannot comment on a monthly usage yet. I still don't see any data on the console however if it keeps going for a month I will consider this rate to be working.