
How to invoke servlet filter in Play 1.2.x before routing


My question is about adding a Servlet Filter to Play framework project to be invoked before routing.


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  • AFAIK there are no servlet interceptors in Play 1.x You can use the @Before annotation to solve some of your problems. But @Before is not a fully qualified alternative to an interceptor. A manual (and a bit low level) approach can be adding your interceptor to play pipeline. Play has a configuration play.netty.pipeline which defaults to :

    #play.netty.pipeline = play.server.FlashPolicyHandler,org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequestDecoder,play.server.StreamChunkAggregator,org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseEncoder,,play.server.PlayHandler

    You can modify the pipeline and add your custom handler before the last element (play.server.PlayHandler) in the list.