I am converting some DTS packages over from Visual Basic to C# and am wondering what @OldDate the following would produce. I am not a VB.NET guy and really do not have the time to play around with this..and it has to be correct so I am reaching out to SO!!
datActionDate = Now()
intNumberOfDays = 365
businessDays = 0
Set .ActiveConnection = objConnection
.CommandType = 4
.CommandText = strStoredQuery
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@OldDate",7,1,8,CDate(datActionDate))
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!
*Edit the datActionDate is a number from a do loop. holidayLs is basically checking that date against a list of dates
do until bdays = intNumberOfDays
datActionDate = DateAdd("d", -1, datActionDate)
if weekday(datActionDate) > 1 and weekday(datActionDate) < 7 then
if not holidayLs(datActiondate) then
businessDays = businessDays + 1
end if
end if
After picking up a basic understanding about VB enough to read this code, I have found that this question is less about syntax and more about just working through the logic. The @OldDate will end up being a number around 470 days from today given
DateAdd("d", -1, datActionDate)
is subtracting a day from datActionDate which is defined as
datActionDate = Now()
I was unfamiliar with the weekday() which just yields a numerical day. So the following statement
if weekday(datActionDate) > 1 and weekday(datActionDate) < 7 then
Is basically looking for days that are not Saturday and Sundays (for which there are 105 in a year - which will be the MINIMUM decremented from today)
When subtracting holidays that are in the holidaysLs (for which there are about 11) in this line
if not holidayLs(datActiondate) then
Then datActionDate = Saturday, November 24, 2018