Technical Stack
To make sure we do not have to worry about data disk size for MarkLogic Forest, we have configured Azure Blob to one of folder in Linux machine, so we do not have to worry about disk size.
There are few things i noticed
Use below command to give permission to all
Now when we started importing using MarkLogic Content Pump (MLCP)
19/03/15 17:01:19 ERROR mapreduce.ContentWriter: SVC-FILSTAT: File status error: stat64 '/mnt/mycontainer/Forests/forest-01/000043e5': Permission denied
1st we tried with mycontainer but as soon as we map it to Azure Blob, it does not looks green as azureblob which is. We still need to map azureblob to "azureblob" folder.
It seems i am missing something here, anything to do with Azure Blob security settings?
First i would like to thanks Charles for his efforts and extended help on this issue, Thanks Charls :). I am sure this will help me sometime, somewhere.
I got link on how to setup MarkLogic on Aure
On Page No. 27, steps to Configuring MarkLogic for Azure Blob Storage
In summary it is
And you are done. No Blobfuse, no drive mount, just a configuration in MarkLogic
Its working like dream :)