In Access 2010 I'm trying to list the results from my IIF statement but for some reason is not working.
DogTrainingStatus: IIf(([TrainingSuccess]>"*Pass*") And ([TrainingSuccess]>"*Failed*"),"Failed", IIf([TrainingSuccess]>"Failed","Failed"," "))
This is my list:
DogGroups - TrainingSuccess
A - Pass, Pass, Pass
B - Pass, Pass, Failed
C - (Blank)
D - Failed, Failed, Failed
I need the following results:
DogGroups - TrainingSuccess
A - Pass
B - Failed
C - (Blank)
D - Failed
Assuming field holds CSV text and the result you want follows logic: if field is Null, return Null, otherwise if field contains "Failed" return "Failed", otherwise "Passed", consider:
DogTrainingStatus: IIf([TrainingSuccess] Is Null, Null, IIf([TrainingSuccess] LIKE "*Failed*", "Failed", "Passed"))