I want to create multiple AIF on a single recieving IDOC based on basic type or message type or variant or any other criteria.
If you're asking if an IDoc can trigger 2 AIF interfaces simultaneously, the answer is no.
What you can do is to assign an IDoc to multiple AIF interfaces, and then choose which one to be executed based on the IDoc content.
transaction choose
SAP Application Interface Framework -> Interface Development -> Additional Interface Properties -> Assign IDoc Types
here you can assign 2 or more interface to a message/idoc type
Then choose
SAP Application Interface Framework -> System Configuration -> Interface Determination -> Define Interface Determination for IDoc Interfaces
here you can determine which interface to execute when an IDoc is received based on few fields (in this example I'm using Sender partner from control record)
choose the IDoc field used as a condition
choose which value of the field trigger each interface