I am using angular 7 with material design components
I have requirement to add requireMatch validation to mat-autocomplete.
I have created custom validation with param but param value does change dynamically.
Below is my component code.
this.stepFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
AccessCode: ["", [Validators.required, this.requireMatch(this.accessCodeList)]]
////require-match validation for access-code
requireMatch = (accessCodes: string[]) => {
return (control: FormControl) => {
const selection: any = control.value;
console.log("accessCodes", accessCodes, "selection", selection);
if (accessCodes.indexOf(selection)===-1) {
return { requireMatch: true };
return null;
Issue i am facing that i am always getting empty(init) in accessCodes
inside requireMatch
Changes of this.accessCodeList
does not reflect to validator.
Meaning after changing this.accessCodeList
it doesn't get updated array in requireMatch
So anyone have any idea about how to pass dynamic param in custom-validator?
You need to bind the validation function when you call it like this otherwise validator function will not bind the input accessList
[Validators.required, this.requireMatch(this.accessCodeList).bind(this)]
Also if you want to restrict some word in the field you can have a look one of my npm package here https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng4-validation