Platform: - AWS Instance with 16 cores and 128 GIG RAM. - Redhat Enterprise 7.5. - R. - RStudio Server. - Plumber API exposes R functions as Web Service endpoints. - Client side is Excel VBA.
Problem: - Data table with different types of columns including double, integers, and strings data. - Right before R endpoint function sends the response (the table) and when I check the double data in the data table, all the entries are between 6 and 10 decimal-place long. - As soon as the table arrives in JSON format at the client side, 99% of the double columns are rounded to 4 decimal-place long.
Any idea what could be the problem - why do the doubles get rounded and where does the rounding take place and how can I prevent that? - I tried different request header settings and it did not work. - I tried to send the impacted double column/s as a vector/s or list/s but I get the same "enforced" rounding.
Thanks in advance
This wasn't terribly well-documented, but it turns out it's a result of using the defaults in the jsonlite::toJSON
serializer (digits = 4
). There's some details here:
I don't see how to pass an argument into that from your parameterization, but here's a workaround:
#* @apiTitle A Test API
#* Run a simple function
#* @get /
function(req, res) {
x <- rnorm(1)
res$body <- jsonlite::toJSON(x, digits = NA)
# plumb("plumber_1.R")$run(port = 5762)
# Save this file as e.g. "plumber_1.R" and run the commented line
Then you should be able to get a response like this:
y <- GET("")
content(y, as = "text")
[1] "[-0.982448323838634]"
So whatever the result of your function is, pre-serialize it using jsonlite::toJSON(..., digits = NA)
, and store it directly in the body of the response, then return the response object.
It turns out there is a "correct" way of doing this, which I found out by filing this as a GitHub issue However, it looks like this version isn't on CRAN yet, so you can use the fix above in the meantime.
In your API definition, specify the serializer like this:
#' @serializer json list(digits = 12)
or for json specificially
#' @json(digits = 12)