
How to migrate JDBC URL based testcontainers to Junit 5

I have worked spring boot + testcontainers test based on JUnit 4.


public Test {
    public void someTest() {

test properties:

    driver-class-name: org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver
    url: jdbc:tc:mysql:5.6://hostname/db?TC_MY_CNF=mysql
    username: user
    password: pass

this test works properly, testcontainers uses JDBC Url string to initiate test container with MySQL 5.6.

Now I wanted to remove junit 4 from the project in favor to use JUnit 5.

Does testcontainers + Spring boot have ability to initiate containers in the similar way (by using JDBC URL) but using JUnit 5?

If yes - how to do it, or which workaround may be used here?


  • The JDBC URL style containers are testing framework agnostic, you can use it with any framework as long as you run it on JVM :)