so I am trying to create a bot in python, and for that cause I would need the size of the screen as two integers (x coordinate and y coordinate). I use pyautogui for that case, but the function size() only returns a string:
Size(width=2560, height=1440)
How would i go about "extracting" these values into integer variables?
edit: I managed to fix my problem, it's some spagetthi code, but I can clean it up later, just in case someone has the same problem:
import pyautogui
screen_size = str(pyautogui.size())
screen_size_x, screen_size_y = screen_size.split(",")
screen_size_x= screen_size_x.replace("Size(width=","")
screen_size_y = screen_size_y.replace("height=","")
screen_size_y = screen_size_y.replace(")","")
screen_size_y = screen_size_y.replace(" ","")
screen_size_x = int(screen_size_x)
screen_size_y = int(screen_size_y)
I've found multiple examples online of using pyautogui.size(). In all those examples, that method returns a two-item tuple containing width and height. So it seems that your code could be as simple as:
screen_size_x, screen_size_y = pyautogui.size()
This is shown in the first example in the pyautogui docs:
If you did need to parse the string you mention, here's a cleaner way to do that:
import re
str = "Size(width=2560, height=1440)"
m ="width=(\d+).*height=(\d+)", str)
screen_size_x, screen_size_y = int(, int(