I have a simple Grid control with some buttons that I want to be able to move around. The code below does work, but it takes a lot of effort to actually do the drag&drop and it is not clear where the drop will happen. I have to move the mouse around a lot to get to a state where the drop is not rejected. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to make this more "user friendly".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center" height="200" width="200">
import mx.containers.GridItem;
import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.core.DragSource;
import mx.events.*;
import mx.managers.DragManager;
private function dragInit(event:MouseEvent):void
var button:Button = event.currentTarget as Button;
var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
dragSource.addData(button, 'button');
DragManager.doDrag(button, dragSource, event);
private function dragEnter(event:DragEvent): void
var target:GridItem = event.currentTarget as GridItem;
if (event.dragSource.hasFormat('button') && target.getChildren().length == 0)
private function dragDrop(event:DragEvent): void
var target:GridItem = event.currentTarget as GridItem;
var button:Button = event.dragSource.dataForFormat('button') as Button;
<mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:Button label="A" width="40" height="40" mouseMove="dragInit(event)"/>
<mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:Button label="B" width="40" height="40" mouseMove="dragInit(event)"/>
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:Button label="C" width="40" height="40" mouseMove="dragInit(event)"/>
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
<mx:GridItem width="44" height="44" dragEnter="dragEnter(event)" dragDrop="dragDrop(event)">
borderColor: #A09999;
borderStyle: solid;
borderThickness: 2;
horizontal-align: center;
vertical-align: center;
borderColor: #A09999;
borderStyle: solid;
borderThickness: 2;
horizontalGap: 0;
verticalGap: 0;
horizontal-align: center;
vertical-align: center;
It looks like each empty grid item only exists on the border you've defined (I'm not sure why this is, possibly it's a known feature of containers). If you add a backgroundColor to each GridItem then dragEnter will be triggered over the whole area rather than just that border.