The project is in Kotlin and builds using Gradle. I'm trying to generate a basic data class with some build info, let's say for now that I need it [re]generated every time before running.
Here's the Gradle task I have now:
def generatedDir = "$buildDir/generated"
// noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
task generateBuildInfo { "version", rootProject.version.toString() "name",
outputs.dir generatedDir
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
doFirst {
def buildInfoFile = file("$generatedDir/BuildInfo.kt")
buildInfoFile.text = """
internal data class BuildInfo(
val version: String = "${project.version.toString() ?: "unspecified"}",
val name: String = "${ ?: "unspecified"}"
""".replace(" ", "").trim()
To be able to resolve this from IntelliJ IDEA, I added my new folder to project sources, and obviously wired up the dependencies, like so:
sourceSets.main.kotlin.srcDirs += generatedDir
project.afterEvaluate {
compileJava.dependsOn generateBuildInfo
compileKotlin.dependsOn generateBuildInfo
This is all done in a separate file (to avoid polluting my main scripts). Due to this organization, after applying plugins, I just include the generator in my main script, like this:
apply from: "gradle/scripts/build-info-generator.gradle"
It looks like the generator code is executed only once, after running assemble
when I first ran clean
on this module. This is not what I want, because when I change some of the project properties (like version
), the source does not get updated... as if compileJava
and my custom task are not executed.
They do not appear in build logs as executed.
Is there any way I can run this task every time I want to run my module's launcher? Sure, I can do some smart file comparison to see if generation is needed, but for now I just want it done each time. Am I missing something?
IDEA has its own build system, indepenant from Gradle.
You can configure it to run a Gradle task before its own build task.
You can also configure it to delegate all the build/run tasks to Gradle. But that's not the default.