
Is there a way to checkout git repository, to certain folder with maven?

I am attempting to automatize download of repository containing only protocol-buffers (with structure), to "resource" folder for later processing.

I need this kind of functionality, to keep my *.proto files separated from c++ and java code, as they are technically not connected with each other (java application is used for debugging).

My desired effect is to at least checkout repo into project — My dreamed effect is to get this repo updated every time I run maven.



  • EDIT

    After working a lot with such a problem, I found personally that the git submodule might be a solution for you (if you are not using svn).

    Okay, so after googling, I have came across this: maven-scm-plugin, which even from description solves my request.

    To save time for most people I will paste example of usage, to make it work.

    You need to add this to your pom structure:

        <--! second part -->
                    <!-- YOUR PATH HERE -->