I'm using this class to get the location and send it with a delegate to another view controller, but the delegate is returning nil when called. my class:
protocol LocationUpdateProtocol {
func locationDidUpdateToLocation(location : CLLocation)
/// Notification on update of location. UserInfo contains CLLocation for key "location"
let kLocationDidChangeNotification = "LocationDidChangeNotification"
class LocationServiceHelper:NSObject,CLLocationManagerDelegate {
static let sharedManager = LocationServiceHelper()
private let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
var currentLocation:CLLocation?
weak var delegate :LocationUpdateProtocol?
private override init() {
self.locationManager.delegate = self
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters
// MARK: CLLocationManagerDelegate
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
guard let delegate = self.delegate else {
currentLocation = locations.first
let userInfo:NSDictionary = ["location":currentLocation!]
delegate.locationDidUpdateToLocation(location: currentLocation!)
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: kLocationDidChangeNotification), object: self, userInfo: userInfo as? [AnyHashable : Any])
I called the delegate in another class below:
var locationServiceReference = LocationServiceHelper.sharedManager
override func viewDidLoad() {
locationServiceReference.delegate = self
self.mapView.showsUserLocation = true
func locationDidUpdateToLocation(location: CLLocation) {
// print(location)
// let myLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: location.coordinate.latitude, longitude: location.coordinate.longitude)
let myLocationForTesting = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 33.410165, longitude: 35.480060)
myLocation = location
let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: myLocationForTesting, span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.01, longitudeDelta: 0.01))
self.mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)
in the did update location , the delegate is returning nil, any idea what's happening? the function isn't been called, since the delegate is returning nil.
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
currentLocation = locations.first
let userInfo:NSDictionary = ["location":currentLocation!]
delegate?.locationDidUpdateToLocation(location: currentLocation!)
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: kLocationDidChangeNotification), object: self, userInfo: userInfo as? [AnyHashable : Any])
func locationManager(_:didUpdateLocations)
called after delegate setted. weak var delegate :LocationUpdateProtocol? {
didSet {
guard let last = currentLocation else { return }
delegate?.locationDidUpdateToLocation(location: last)
or another short living obejct somewhere else