I'm using AngularJS and I would like to redirect a user when he clicks a button on /page1 to /page2. I currently use AngularJS routing for this using ngRoute which works all fine. However, in addition to the redirection, I would also like to pass some data from page1 to page2 to pre-populate some of the HTML on page2. I know that in order to pass such data, I can either specify it in the path parameter,e.g.
or as a query string parameter, e.g.
In both ways, I can retrieve the query string or path params in /page2 using $route.current.params
However, I do not want to do either of the above as I do not want to expose my data on the URL to the user. Is there a way in AngularJS that the parameters can be passed to /page2, such that they are "hidden" from the URL?
You can use a service to store data that will survive route changes. Services are singletons that persist through the entire life of the app.
app.service("appData", function() {
var myData;
this.set = function(data) {
myData = data;
this.get = function() {
return myData;
In a controller:
app.controller("viewCtrl", function($scope,appData) {
$scope.myData = appData.get();
For more information, see AngularJS Developer Guide - Creating Services.