I was collecting metrics nicely from Apache Storm to Graphite. Then I developed a customized scheduler which implements the IScheduler interface, and now on I cannot collect any metrics.
Here is my scheduler:
public class SiteAwareScheduler implements IScheduler {
public void prepare(Map conf) {
public void schedule(Topologies topologies, Cluster cluster) {
On the storm.yaml file:
site: "cluster"
storm.scheduler: "org.sense.storm.scheduler.SiteAwareScheduler"
I am using this library to collect metrics and send it to Graphite server.
public class MyTopology {
config.put(YammerFacadeMetric.FACADE_METRIC_TIME_BUCKET_IN_SEC, 30);
config.put(SimpleGraphiteStormMetricProcessor.GRAPHITE_HOST, "");
config.put(SimpleGraphiteStormMetricProcessor.GRAPHITE_PORT, 2003);
config.put(SimpleGraphiteStormMetricProcessor.REPORT_PERIOD_IN_SEC, 10);
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, "MqttSensorSumTopology");
config.registerMetricsConsumer(MetricReporter.class, new MetricReporterConfig(".*", SimpleGraphiteStormMetricProcessor.class.getCanonicalName()), 1);
TopologyBuilder topologyBuilder = new TopologyBuilder();
topologyBuilder.setBolt(MqttSensors.BOLT_SENSOR_TICKET_SUM.getValue(), new SumSensorValuesWindowBolt(SensorType.COUNTER_TICKETS).withTumblingWindow(Duration.seconds(5)), 1)
.addConfiguration(TagSite.SITE.getValue(), TagSite.CLUSTER.getValue());
public class SumSensorValuesWindowBolt extends BaseWindowedBolt {
public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) {
StormYammerMetricsAdapter.configure(stormConf, context, new MetricsRegistry());
this.collector = collector;
public void execute(TupleWindow inputWindow) {
The "prepare" method of the IScheduler does not have TopologyContext so I don't know where to instantiate my metrics with the new schedule.
Any hints? Thanks Felipe
I installed Graphite as it says on this link. Then I configured the file storm.yaml as it says in this link on both machines. The master and the worker.
# Graphite Reporter
- class: "org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.GraphiteStormReporter"
- "supervisor"
- "nimbus"
- "worker"
report.period: 60
report.period.units: "SECONDS"
graphite.host: "localhost"
graphite.port: 2003
Then the metrics appear at Graphite server under the name of my topology MqttSensorSumTopology-1-1553506290