
Playing videos from Google drive with videogular2

I am trying to use videogular2 and I have simply replaced the static video content link with a shareable link from Google drive that points to an MP4 video file.

                    <video [vgMedia]="media" #media id="singleVideo" preload="auto" controls>
                        <source src="" type="video/mp4">

Under Chrome browser the video player shows a resistance icon at the center and cannot play anything as it can be seen at the following screenshot: Chrome browser

Under Internet Explorer the video player shows the text "Invalid source" and the play button on the left as it can be seen on the next image: Internet Explorer

But if I use the sample URL: it works very well.

I would appreciate any ideas/pointers related to what I am doing wrong.


  • I had the same problem and solve it using an address like the following: