
How to get value from an Object?

I am working on Symfony 4.2, I fetched the session in my controller like:

$data = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();

when I


gives me,

DashboardController.php on line 17:
User {#504 ▼
  -id: 1
  -f_name: "Kumar"
  -l_name: "Saurabh"
  -username: "supa-admin"
  -password: "$2y$12$qerXOggk6RdKjoE1J4R5I.OzvSYuGdq6E.m1bZp.cPMxolCd/F1xm"
  -email: ""
  -address: Address {#525 ▶}
  -contact: 78954
  -gender: "male"
  -age: 26

Here, How can I get 'f_name' from this object?


  • looks like you need to create setters and getters within your User model/entity. Or you could create a __get() / __set() function within the same model / entity to get this information.