when I am trying to list my folder directory with ionic-native file i am not getting any folders in result.
My Code:
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
this.filesystem.listDir(this.filesystem.applicationStorageDirectory, '').then((result) => {
/*result will have an array of file objects with
file details or if its a directory*/
for (let file of result) {
if (file.isDirectory == true && file.name != '.' && file.name != '..') {
console.log("This is a folder");
// Code if its a folder
} else if (file.isFile == true) {
// Code if its a file
console.log("This is a file");
let name = file.name // File name
console.log("file name: " + name);
// let path = file.path // File path
file.getMetadata(function (metadata) {
let size = metadata.size; // Get file size
I am using: "@ionic-native/file": "4.12.0", With imports: import { File } from '@ionic-native/file';
You have not passed the directory name in this.filesystem.listDir(this.filesystem.applicationStorageDirectory, '')
you have to pass directory name in this method. You can get directory name from the this.filesystem.applicationStorageDirectory
. First alert this.filesystem.applicationStorageDirectory
and check which type of path you get.
If path is like :
then get the directory name as following :
let appStorageDir = "file:///storage/emulator/0/somefolder";
let dirName = appStorageDir.substring(appStorageDir.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
If there is slash(/) in the last of path like :
then get the directory name as following :
let appStorageDir = "file:///storage/emulator/0/somefolder/";
appStorageDir = appStorageDir.substring(0,appStorageDir.lastIndexOf("/"));
let dirName = appStorageDir.substring(appStorageDir.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
Now pass that dirName in method as following :
this.filesystem.listDir(this.filesystem.applicationStorageDirectory, dirName)
Hope it will help you !!!