Is it possible to execute as emit as synchronous and get the result back in calling method itself. So, I want to execute next statement after the $emit completed. its as below:
Parent component has method,
child component is as follow:
Save: function(){
// Can I get the response here from parent component and then, execute
doGenericValidation ?
var errorFields = this.$emit('custom-validation');
doGenericValidation(errorFields); //this is generic validations
You shouldnt attempt to make this synchronous. Instead, you might be able to use this idea:
methods: {
myMethod() {
// Pass a function as a parameter.
this.$emit('custom-validation', this.onComplete);
onComplete() {
// Do stuff after custom-validation has completed.
And then in whichever component uses your event:
<some-component @custom-validation="doStuff" />
methods: {
doStuff(done) {
// Your logic here. After that, call the callback function.