
What does 'Checked out revision 0' mean?

I need to access the source code for a plug-in in a software OpenSim and their instructions say to use an SVN ( ). I just installed Tortoise SVN to my computer and don't really know what it is doing. In the command prompt, I did as instructed and typed 'svn checkout --username anonsvn'. The output says 'Checked out revision 0'. What does this mean?

I have a Windows 10 64-bit computer. The only steps that I did after learning I needed to use an SVN were downloading SVN 1.11 and adding it to my path, installing TortoiseSVN with the command prompt lines, and then running this line.

''' Input: svn checkout --username anonsvn '''

''' Output: Checked out revision 0. '''

I am not sure what this output means, if I'm doing it completely wrong, or it actually worked and I just don't know where to go from here. Please help.


  • I need to access the source code for a plug-in

    It seems that this project did not publish its source code because the repository is empty.

    Checked out revision 0.

    This message means that you've checked out a working copy from the repository that does not have any content. When you create a new repository, it has only one revision 0.