
Class and field level @JsonView annotation and Object Mapper

I have views and entity class as shown below:

class Views{
   class ViewOne{}
   class ViewTwo{}

class Test{

   public int x;

   public int y;

   public int z;

   public int v;

My question is that do I need to have @JsonView({Views.ViewOne.class, Views.ViewTwo.class}) at class level so that I have non-annotated fields like z, v in the output response irrespective of View Class passed to Object Mapper?

I did try to look into different resources regarding the use of class level @JsonView annotation but I couldn't find any. Does it have any effect? If yes, pls do explain the same.


  • Do I need to have @JsonView({Views.ViewOne.class, Views.ViewTwo.class}) at class level so that I have non-annotated fields like z, v in the output response irrespective of view class passed to ObjectMapper?

    You won't need that when MapperFeature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION is enabled in your ObjectMapper instance. This feature is enabled by default. May have you disabled it somehow?

    Here's a quote from the documentation:

    Feature that determines whether properties that have no view annotations are included in JSON serialization views (see @JsonView for more details on JSON Views). If enabled, non-annotated properties will be included; when disabled, they will be excluded.

    Example 1

    Let's consider the following Example class:

    public class Example {
        private int a = 1;
        private int b = 2;
        private int c = 3;

    And let's serialize an instance of Example as a JSON using:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(new Foo());

    It will produce the following JSON:


    Example 2

    Now let's take the following views into account:

    public class Views {
        public static class Foo {}
        public static class Bar {}

    And let's the apply the views to the fields of the Example class:

    public class Example {
        private int a = 1;
        private int b = 2;
        private int c = 3;

    And let's serialize an instance of Example using the Foo view:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String json = mapper.writerWithView(Views.Foo.class).writeValueAsString(new Example());

    It will produce the following JSON:


    Now let's disable the default view inclusion an serialize it again:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String json = mapper.writerWithView(Views.Foo.class).writeValueAsString(new Example());

    It will produce the following JSON:


    Example 3

    Now let's use the following view configuration in the Example class:

    public static class Example {
        private int a = 1;
        private int b = 2;
        private int c = 3;

    And let's serialize an instance of Example using the Foo view:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String json = mapper.writerWithView(Views.Foo.class).writeValueAsString(new Example());

    It will produce the following JSON:


    Now let's serialize an instance of Example using the Bar view:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String json = mapper.writerWithView(Views.Bar.class).writeValueAsString(new Example());

    It will produce the following JSON:
