
Google Web Designer banner Missing click tag check on validation

I need to create doubleclick banner, and i am using Google Web Designer. I want to call clickTag by simple href="", and everything works fine, but when i validate it on i get error:

Missing click tag check

How can I remove this error, what am I missing?



  • I had the same problem and I tried to follow the instructions under > Click tags > Sample click tag insertion. However, I could not make it work, whatever I tried. The result was always: it worked fine, but the validator threw an error.

    So I went back to the second option described under "Use Google Web Designer for exit events". Following all the steps there exactly. The result was a creative that checked in the validator but was not clickable.

    So after including the gwd tap area, I also manually added an additional anchor just inside the body, so it looked something like this:

      <a href="">
        <gwd-google-ad id="gwd-ad" polite-load="">
          <gwd-pagedeck class="gwd-page-container" id="pagedeck">
            <gwd-page id="page1" class="gwd-page-wrapper gwd-page-size gwd-lightbox" data-gwd-width="300px" data-gwd-height="600px">
                <gwd-taparea id="gwd-taparea_1" class="gwd-taparea-vsnj"></gwd-taparea>
          <gwd-exit metric="CTA-xyz" url=""></gwd-exit>
        <script type="text/javascript" id="gwd-init-code">

    Now I had a creative that validated but was also clickable.