
How to detect touch move over a large number of views?

My Requirement : I need to animate a 7*16 LED Display by passing frames through the Android App over BluetoothLE. I have created the design of the display on the app and added empty views with gradient drawable background to them. The colour of these views need to change when my touch moves into them. Adding a touch listener to each view isn't going to help in my case.

What I have achieved : I have a large number of views (100+) added programmatically with a tag set to each of them. I have set an OnTouch Event Handler for the parent view in which these views have been added. By tracking the absolute coordinates of the touch event (x and y) and comparing with the absolute bounds of a few individual views that I am looping in the touch event handler, I am able to detect hover like touch move (out of bounds to in bounds) over 3-4 views properly.

I have referred the solution from

Where I am stuck : However, when I try to increase the loop size to cover all the added views, the app response slows down and hover detection fails on most of the views. I know this is happening because of heavy computation in the OnTouch Event Handler which I am not supposed to do.

What I need : I need an improvement on this solution in terms of performance or an alternative way to go about reaching my goal.

Code Snippet

void DrawScreen()
            for (int column = 0; column < 8; column++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 17; row++)
                    relativeLayout.AddView(DrawRect(row, column));

View DrawRect(int row, int column)
            View customView = new View(Context);
            GradientDrawable shape = new GradientDrawable();
            shape.SetCornerRadii(new float[] { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 });
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams param = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent);
            param.LeftMargin = ((column-1) * (width + h_spacing)) + h_spacing;
            param.Width = width;
            param.Height = height;
            param.TopMargin = ((row-1) * (height + v_spacing)) + v_spacing;
            customView.Background = shape;
            customView.LayoutParameters = param;
            customView.Tag = (8 - column).ToString() + "," + (17 - row).ToString();           
            return customView;

private void RelativeLayout_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
        if(e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
            out_of_bounds = true;
            view_in_bound = null;
            for (int row = 1; row < 8; row++)
                for (int column = 1; column < 17; column++)
                    View view = relativeLayout.FindViewWithTag(row.ToString() + "," + column.ToString());

                    if (CheckInterSection(view, e.Event.RawX, e.Event.RawY))
                        if (out_of_bounds == true)
                            view_in_bound = view;
                            out_of_bounds = false;
                            Log.Debug("Touch", "Inside");
                            Log.Debug("Touch", "Still Inside");
                        if (view == view_in_bound)
                            out_of_bounds = true;
                            view_in_bound = null;
                            Log.Debug("Touch", "Outside");

bool CheckInterSection(View view, float rawX, float rawY)
            int[] location = new int[2];
            int x = location[0] - h_spacing/2;
            int y = location[1] - v_spacing/2;
            int width = (view.Width + h_spacing/2);
            int height = (view.Height + v_spacing/2);
            return (!(rawX < x || rawX > (x + width) || rawY < y || rawY > (y + height)));


  • I tried to use trajectory angles to further reduce the loop size but the performance was never up to my expectations and touch events over views were getting missed regularly.

    Then I realized that I was going in the wrong direction and found a much simpler solution. Since my views were being added programmatically and were of same size, I knew the coordinates and bounds of each view in the layout. So I divided the layout into a grid and depending upon the touch coordinates, I was able to identify over which section the touch was on. Below is my solution which has been working perfectly. However, I will wait a while till I mark this as a solution since someone could have a better implementation of my technique or an alternative solution.

    void DrawScreen()
                for (int column = 1; column < 17; column++)
                    for (int row = 1; row < 8; row++)
                        relativeLayout.AddView(DrawRect(row, column));
    View DrawRect(int row, int column)
                View customView = new View(Context);
                if (!CheckBit(row - 1, column - 1))
                RelativeLayout.LayoutParams param = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent);
                param.LeftMargin = ((column-1) * (width + h_spacing)) + h_spacing;
                param.Width = width;
                param.Height = height;
                param.TopMargin = ((row-1) * (height + v_spacing)) + v_spacing;
                customView.LayoutParameters = param;
                customView.Tag = row.ToString() + "," + column.ToString();           
                return customView;
    void RelativeLayout_Touch(object sender, View.TouchEventArgs e)
                if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                    view_in_bound = null;
                    int row = CheckTouchArea(e.Event.RawX, e.Event.RawY)[0];
                    if (row != 0)
                        int column = CheckTouchArea(e.Event.RawX, e.Event.RawY)[1];
                        check_view = GetView(row, column);
                        if (check_view != view_in_bound)
                            ChangeViewState(check_view, Touch_CheckBit(row - 1, column - 1), row - 1, column - 1);
                            view_in_bound = check_view;
    int[] CheckTouchArea(float rawX, float rawY)
                int[] tag = new int[2];
                int[] location = new int[2];
                float x = location[0] + h_padding / 2;
                int y = location[1] + v_padding / 2;
                float width = relativeLayout.Width - h_padding;
                int height = relativeLayout.Height - v_padding;
                if ((!(rawX < x || rawX > (x + width) || rawY < y || rawY > (y + height))))
                    int column = (int)Math.Ceiling((rawX - x) * 16 / width);
                    int row = (int)(Math.Ceiling((rawY - y) * 7 / height));
                    tag[0] = row;
                    tag[1] = column;
                return tag;