Ammonite can download dependencies from Maven repositories.
I'm using a SNAPSHOT dependency, and I'd like to use always the cached version, in order to avoid using possible untested newer versions. Is this possible?
I know that Ammonite uses lately Coursier and before Ivy, so some information I've found maybe outdated.
Some ideas I'm having is to install the current SNAPSHOT version in a local repository with another name.
Create a local .ivy2/local
repository with the following directory structure:
Create a new ivy.xml
inside ivys
directory like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="">
<info organisation="myorg" module="mymod" revision="someVersion" status="integration" e:scalaVersion="2.12" e:sbtVersion="0.13">
my module
<conf name="compile" visibility="public" description=""/>
<conf name="runtime" visibility="public" description="" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="test" visibility="public" description="" extends="runtime"/>
<conf name="provided" visibility="public" description=""/>
<conf name="optional" visibility="public" description=""/>
<conf name="sources" visibility="public" description=""/>
<conf name="docs" visibility="public" description=""/>
<conf name="pom" visibility="public" description=""/>
<artifact name="sikulix2tigervnc" type="pom" ext="pom" conf="pom"/>
<artifact name="sikulix2tigervnc" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="compile"/>
Place in the jars
directory the *.jar
with proper name and in poms
the *.pom
Problem is that Coursier won't donwload transitive dependencies, so add extra import $ivy.....