
Integrating Spring with Serenity/JBehave test

I am trying to get Spring dependency injection to work inside a Serenity/JBehave test, but neither SpringClassRule nor SpringMethodRule gets applied (which, I suspect, is why both @ContextConfiguration and @Autowired are ignored, and I get a NullPointerException when tyring to call the service).

I've also tried SpringIntegrationClassRule and SpringIntegrationMethodRule from the serenity-spring library, but to no avail.

Does anyone have any idea how to get it working?

My test class:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = "test-beans.xml", 
                      loader = TestContextLoader.class)
public class GreetingServiceTest extends SerenityStories {

    public static final SpringClassRule SPRING_CLASS_RULE = new SpringClassRule();
    public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();

    private GreetingService greetingService;

    private String greeting;

    @When("I want a greeting")
    public void whenIWantAGreeting() {
        greeting = greetingService.getGreeting();

    @Then("I shall be greeted with \"$greeting\"")
    public void thenIShallBeGreetedWith(String greeting) {
        assertEquals(greeting, this.greeting);

    public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() {
        return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), this);

My story:

Scenario: Hello world
When I want a greeting
Then I shall be greeted with "Hello world"

public class TestContextLoader implements ContextLoader {

    public String[] processLocations(Class<?> clazz, String... locations) {
        return locations;

    public ApplicationContext loadContext(String... locations) throws Exception {
        System.err.println("This is never printed.");
        return new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(locations);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <context:component-scan base-package="com.example"/>


public class GreetingService {

    public String getGreeting() {
        return "Hello world";

I use the following libraries:


Note: This is a very simplified version of my real-life case, and I need both the Spring XML config and the custom context loader.


  • I solved this using the following hack (basically injecting the service(s) myself):

    @ContextConfiguration(locations = "test-beans.xml", 
                          loader = TestContextLoader.class)
    public class GreetingServiceTest extends SerenityStories {
        private GreetingService greetingService;
        private String greeting;
        @When("I want a greeting")
        public void whenIWantAGreeting() {
            greeting = greetingService.getGreeting();
        @Then("I shall be greeted with \"$greeting\"")
        public void thenIShallBeGreetedWith(String greeting) {
            assertEquals(greeting, this.greeting);
        public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() {
            return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), this);
        public final void beforeStories() {
            AutowireCapableBeanFactory beanFactory = getContext().getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();
            beanFactory.autowireBeanProperties(this, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_NO, false);
            beanFactory.initializeBean(this, getClass().getName());
        private ApplicationContext getContext() {
            return SpringClassRuleHack.getTestContextManager(getClass())

    SpringClassRuleHack (must be the same package as SpringClassRule to get access to the getTestContextManager method):

    package org.springframework.test.context.junit4.rules;
    import org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager;
    public final class SpringClassRuleHack {
       private SpringClassRuleHack() {}
       public static TestContextManager getTestContextManager(Class<?> testClass) {
          return SpringClassRule.getTestContextManager(testClass);

    I'm getting the Spring context through SpringClassRule so that it gets cached by Spring, letting Spring control when the context needs reloading (if I have understood correctly).

    I'm not entirely satisfied with this solution and I suspect it's not equivalent to enabling SpringClassRule/SpringMethodRule in the standard way, but it works in my case.