
How to get a list of a particular field from a list of objects in powershell

I am new to powershell scripting. Apologies if I am missing something simple.

Let's say I have an object called object that has a field called field. Now let there be a list of these objects.

How would I get the list of fields in the same order?

In python it would be:

list_of_objects = [o1, o2, o3]
list_of_fields = [i.field for i in list_of_object]


  • is nice, and not so nice, because it unwraps collections for you, and sometimes this can hide that it is masking the elements' members. When you're using $parents.item, you're accessing the array's method, and trying to access its members (which there aren't any, so is giving you $null):

    Item           ParameterizedProperty System.Object IList.Item(int index) {get;set;}

    You can overcome this by using the method I shared in the comments to iterate over each member and avoid this masking:

    $list = $parents | ForEach-Object -MemberName item

    Alternatively, a syntax more people are familiar with:

    $list = $parents | Select-Object -ExpandProperty item

    or unrolling it yourself:

    # you could directly assign the outputs of a `foreach` loop to a variable by
    # removing these comments (<##>)
    <# $items = #> 
      foreach ($parent in $parents) {

    To see when this masking is happening, consider this example which uses the unary array operator:

    , @('a', 'b', 'c') | Get-Member

    This will let you observe the wrapping array or collection's members.