
Using auth tokens in .npmrc

I have a project where we use font awesome 5 library. I followed the instructions that are written here and added an .npmrc file with my auth token.

Is this a safe behaviour to put this in a repo? I want the devs to have access to it, but if the repo goes public we might be exposing the token.

What is the best practice in situation like this?


  • UPDATE 2021-05-02

    This answer remains questionable - see the comments below. I no longer have access to a private ($paid) npm account anymore, so I can no longer test to answer questions.

    Perhaps try @konyak's answer.

    It is definitely NOT a safe behavior to put the token in any git checked file, including .npmrc.

    Below are the steps your team can take to safely leverage your npm token.

    There are two different environments to consider:

    1. each developer's local dev machine
    2. the app's deployment platform

    local dev

    Following the Global Set Up instructions you linked to in your question, is not the solution.

    Create the .npmrc file similar to the "Per project" instructions, but substitute your real token with a variable name, prefixed by $. ie:


    npm will detect an environment variables file named .env. So, in a .gitignored .env file, add your secret key value pair, ie:


    You can also prefix the variable name with "NPM_CONFIG_", according to the npm-config docs, ie:


    Now, when the dev runs npm i, font-awesome dependencies will load from the private repo.

    NOTE: Don't follow the current npm-config docs about the environment variables syntax! See this stack overflow answer, ie:


    app deployment platform

    Do all the steps from the local dev section above, PLUS:

    If your app host is Netlify, see their Build Environment Variables docs.