
How can I resolve an AssemblyName to an assembly file path without loading that assembly?

Is there any public API in the .NET Framework, in .NET Core, or in .NET Standard that can resolve a System.Reflection.AssemblyName to a file path of the assembly file that would be loaded, without actually loading that assembly?

The best I've currently got is this:

string ResolveToPath(AssemblyName name) => Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(name).Location;

But that still causes the assembly to be loaded (albeit only into the reflection-only context).

(Assume that I do not want to change the way how the runtime locates assemblies. I'm asking this for use in a library, where I am not free to inspect application configuration files, defining an AppDomain.AssemblyResolve handler, etc.)


  • Candidate APIs in the framework:

    How do other libraries outside the framework deal with assembly resolution?

    Some platform-specific pointers