
How are the bias neurons created in NEAT?

I am trying to implement simple NEAT. I read from various sources that there are 4 types of "nodes": input neurons, hidden neurons, output neurons and so-called bias neurons. I don't see which process may create bias neurons, that are depicted in this paper at page 16.

I understand that new neurons may be created while mutating, but it requires an existing connection between two neurons that will be split by this new neuron (basing on paper already mentioned, page 10). However, bias neuron has no "input" connection, so it clearly can't be created in the mentioned way. Then how, in details, does NEAT create bias neurons?


  • A bias neuron (node) in the NEAT context is simply a special input neuron that is always active. It is always included by construction since it seems to help evolution in many cases.

    So, in short, you do not create bias neurons just like you won't create new input or output nodes; these are defined by your problem.

    You are correct in that the standard NEAT implementation introduces new hidden nodes by splitting existing connections. Hidden nodes are the only neurons you will create or destroy in NEAT (and, to my knowledge, in neuroevolution in general).