I use this:
${today}= Get Time
${today_formated}= Convert Date ${today} result_format=%d
The result is 01
for the 1st day of the month but I need 1.
How to remove 0 at the start?
My question is on the day of the month not on the month number
full robotframework script:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library DateTime
*** Keywords ***
${today}= Get Time
${today_formated}= Convert Date ${today} result_format=%d
Log To Console ${today_formated}
*** Test Cases ***
[Tags] foo|AC0
Given test
Use Replace String Using Regexp
from standard library String
${today}= Get Time
${today_formated}= Convert Date ${today} result_format=%d
${today_no_padding}= Replace String Using Regexp ${today_formated} ^0 ${EMPTY}
This transforms values with leading zeros like 01
to 1
but values just containing zeros like 10
would remain the same.
To use the library, add a declaration to your settings:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library DateTime
Library String