
Custom header on OPTIONS in fine uploader s3

I am using react FineUploaderS3, with params:

this.myUploader = new FineUploaderS3({
  options: {
    request: {
      endpoint: "endpoint",
      accessKey: "accessKey",
      params: {
       Authorization: 'authorization'
    chunking: {
      enabled: true,
    resume: {
      enabled: true
    signature: {
      endpoint: "signatureUrl",
    iframeSupport: {
      localBlankPagePath: null
    params: {
      Authorization: 'authorization'

When I checked OPTION request, there is no Authorization param. How to add it? It seems fine uploader currently no support that?



  • There is not such option in FineUploaderS3. It shouldn't be, according to w3 OPTION should not contain user credentials, authorization param.