
How to amplify Audio Data in Oboe onAudioReady Method?

I want to amplify the audioData that is recorded by microphone using Oboe Library. I created AudioEngine.cpp like this: Here's is the class that has audioData:

AudioEngine::onAudioReady(AudioStream *oboeStream, void *audioData, int32_t numFrames) {

    /* some code */

 // add your audio processing here

    return DataCallbackResult::Continue;


  • In the LiveEffect sample both the recording and playback streams are AudioFormat::I16 i.e. 16 bit integers. On this line you're casting to float:

    auto *outputData = static_cast<float *>(audioData);    

    This is going to cause the distortion you hear so instead just cast to int16_t and multiply by a constant amplitude.

    Make sure to check that the scaled up sample value isn't above INT16_MAX otherwise you'll get wraparound and distortion.