I’m using flow-typed.
I encountered the variable $Export
in some of libdefs. I have no idea what it is and where it’s documented.
For me it seems similar to Utility Types, but the problem that $Export
isn’t described there.
Could any body explain it and where it comes from?
declare module "@material-ui/core/AppBar/AppBar" {
import type {ComponentType, Node} from "react";
declare type Color = "inherit" | "primary" | "secondary" | "default";
declare type Position = "fixed" | "absolute" | "sticky" | "static" | "relative";
declare module.exports: ComponentType<{
children?: Node,
className?: string,
classes?: Object,
color?: Color,
position?: Position
declare module "@material-ui/core/AppBar" {
declare module.exports: $Exports<"@material-ui/core/AppBar/AppBar">;
Looking at this Github thread they seem to be internal methods
The definition seems to be here:
where there is this comment:
(* $Exports<'M'> is the type of the exports of module 'M'
So it's basically a module loader for all intents and purposes until the item in the TODO list arrives
(** TODO: use `import typeof` instead when that lands **)