
How to generate a Google Sitemap with localized versions of a page using PHP and DOMDocument

I want to generate a Google Sitemap using PHP for a multilanguage website. How can i do that the right way, without printing XML strings? Perhaps using the PHP DOMDocument class?

The structure must be like the one Google recommends:


  • This is a question for which I already have an answer:

    $domtree = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
    $domtree->formatOutput = true;
    $urlset = $domtree->createElementNS("", "urlset");
    $urlset->setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:xhtml", "");
        //create the `url`
        $url = $domtree->createElement("url");
        //add the url
        $url_root = $urlset->appendChild($url);
            //create the `loc`
            $loc = $domtree->createElement("loc", "");
            //add the loc to the url
            //create `xhtml:link`
            $xhtml_link = $domtree->createElement("xhtml:link");
            //add the `xhtml:link` to the `url`
                //create an `rel` attribute to the `xhtml:link`
                $dom_attribute = $domtree->createAttribute("rel");
                //add the attribute to the `xhtml:link`
                //create an `hreflang` attribute to the `xhtml:link`
                $dom_attribute = $domtree->createAttribute("hreflang");
                //add the attribute to the `xhtml:link`
                //create an `href` attribute to the `xhtml:link`
                $dom_attribute = $domtree->createAttribute("href");
                //add the attribute to the `xhtml:link`