I'm writing a mobile application in Android studio. I have an arrayList that i'm converting into a string to be evaluated in a script engine.
I am currently using
resultText = total.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(""));
With total being
ArrayList<CharSequence> total = new ArrayList<>();
The current input output is something like this
CharSequence [1,+,2] --> .Stream() "1+2" --> .eval 3.0
Is there an alternative method to get this output? I'm currently using API level 28 to have access to stream, but i require a min API level of 19.
The .ToString() method does not get the required output.
CharSequence [1,+,2] --> .ToString "[1,+,2]" --> .eval NULL
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use TextUtils
List<Character> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
'1', '+', '2'
String result = TextUtils.join("", list);
Base od documentation method join()
was Added in API level 1