
MTU change following example

I'm writing an Android application that is using RxAndroidBle, to support my device I need a higher MTU

I followed the provided library example:

But it is not compiling

private ObservableTransformer<RxBleConnection, RxBleConnection> mtuNegotiationObservableTransformer = upstream -> {
        return upstream.doOnSubscribe(ignoredDisposable -> Log.i("MTU", "MTU negotiation is supported")
                     .flatMapSingle(connection ->
                                        .doOnSubscribe(ignoredDisposable -> Log.i("MTU", "Negotiating MTU started"))
                                        .doOnSuccess(mtu -> Log.i("MTU", "Negotiated MTU: " + mtu))

The compiler message is: cannot resolve method 'flatmapsingle'

Why is it that it is not working? In other parts of my code I´m using .flatMapSingle without a problem. Thanks for helping!


  • There seem to be a mistake in number of closing brackets. Try the below code:

    private ObservableTransformer<RxBleConnection, RxBleConnection> mtuNegotiationObservableTransformer = upstream -> {
            return upstream.doOnSubscribe(ignoredDisposable -> Log.i("MTU", "MTU negotiation is not supported")); // added a closing bracket here
        return upstream
                .doOnSubscribe(ignoredDisposable -> Log.i("MTU", "MTU negotiation is supported")) // and here
                        .flatMapSingle(connection ->
                                        .doOnSubscribe(ignoredDisposable -> Log.i("MTU", "Negotiating MTU started"))
                                        .doOnSuccess(mtu -> Log.i("MTU", "Negotiated MTU: " + mtu))