
Error while deploying the SAPUI5 application inside the ABAP repository

I have a UI5 application.

When I am trying to deploy it in my ABAP repository it shows the following errors:

(SAPUI5 ABAP Repository) Updating of file in MIME Repository failed:

How can I solve it?

For it seems when users with different default languages work on the same project it happen. For example I have set my browser on English and my colleagues on German. Any idea or same experiences is appreciated.

View of the error in WEBIDE console


  • as described in this topic

    Each file in the layered repository has a master language. The master language is the same as the logon language of the user who has created the file (for example, a variant). If the file is changed later on, you can only change the file in that specific language.

    So, if the application was deployed in english version of chrome, then you can deploy only from english chrome version