I'm working on a graph with a Satisfaction form with a database with jpgraph and I've encountered some issues with an handler error.
This is my program:
$bdd=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname='.$db,'root','');
catch(Exception $exception)
die('Erreur :'.$exception->getMessage());
$req=$bdd->prepare('SELECT Adaptation1 FROM s3');
// on execute la requete avec le contenu saisi 'user'
$valpour = 100;
/*$vide = cal_pour($comptage["Vide"],$comptage,$valpour);
$Satisfaisante = cal_pour($comptage["Satisfaisante"],$comptage,$valpour);
$Inadaptee = cal_pour($comptage["Inadaptee"],$comptage,$valpour);
$Incomplete = cal_pour($comptage["Incomplete"],$comptage,$valpour);*/
while ($donnees=$req->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
foreach ($donnees as $indice=>$valeur){
echo $valeur."<br/>";
if ($valeur=="") $comptage["Vide"]++;
else $comptage[$valeur]++;
/*function cal_pour($nombre,$total,$pourcentage)
$resultat = ($nombre/$total) * $pourcentage;
return round($resultat); // Arrondi la valeur
} */
$data = array($comptage["Vide"],$comptage["Satisfaisante"],$comptage["Inadaptee"],$comptage["Incomplete"]);
$graph = new PieGraph(400,300);
$theme_class= new VividTheme;
$graph->title->Set("Résultat Question PPN");
$p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
$graph = Add($p1);
This is the error I've got:
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to JpGraphException::defaultHandler() must be an instance of Exception, instance of Error given in C:\Users\Stric\Documents\projet-tut\projet-tut\src\jpgraph_errhandler.inc.php:158 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: JpGraphException::defaultHandler(Object(Error)) #1 {main} thrown in C:\Users\Stric\Documents\projet-tut\projet-tut\src\jpgraph_errhandler.inc.php on line 158
here is the respective line 158:
static public function defaultHandler(Exception $exception) {
global $__jpg_OldHandler;
if( $exception instanceof JpGraphException ) {
else {
// Restore old handler
if( $__jpg_OldHandler !== NULL ) {
throw $exception;
Simply change $graph = Add($p1);
to $graph->Add($p1);
and your graph will work.
$p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
$graph->Add($p1); // this is where the change is