I am working on Using Single Sign on for my Salesforce sandbox. I am using Azure AD as the authentication provider. I was able to add a few users in Azure AD and actually got the Single sign on working for my SF sandbox (for those users). The problem is my sandbox has 500 users and I would like to add them all to my Azure AD. Here is the document I followed to get the single sign on working for my test users. So my next step/question is how do I bulk uloa all my user information in Azure AD so that all of them can have single sign on to my SF sandbox? Thank you
Once you have all user information available in a CSV file, you can make use of PowerShell and Import-csv to import all userinformation.
Then use New-AzureADUser
command to create these users. Skeleton like this..
foreach($user in import-csv "E:\userinfo.csv")
Write-Host "Processing item with.. UserName="$user.DisplayName
# Make use of variables like $user.DisplayName and so on in your commands here..
# New-AzureADUser -DisplayName $user.DisplayName ... and so on..
A very detailed script with similar strategy is availble here: Creating Bulk users in Azure AD with PowerShell